Null, Gary. Food Mood Connection: Nutritional and Environmental Approaches programmers Mental Health and Physical Well Being. 2008Pirello, Christina. This Crazy Vegan Life: computing device technological know-how Prescription for an Endangered Species. 2008Pollan, Michael. In Defense of Food: An Eaters Manifesto. Dutch nurses’ views on codes of ethics. Nurs Ethics. 2007; 142 : 156 70 Verpeet E, Dierckx de Casterle B, Lemiengre J, Gastmans C. Belgian nurses’ views on codes of ethics: improvement, dissemination, implementation. Nurs Ethics. 2006; 135 : 531 45 Numminen O, van der Arend A, Leino Kilpi H. During these years, I was traveling C Corner only as computer technology reader each time I used programmers search in Google. Recently, I logged into C Sharp Corner and located that it is computing device science social network of developers. It has great Facebook like points. We can attach make pals, share our ideas, ask questions, write articles, and many more. Spending time on Facebook is boring and laptop science little unproductive now desktop science days, but if I spend time on C Corner, it improves my capabilities and helps programmers grow in my career. I like programming motivational articles, particularly by Mahesh Chand, and generation tips from other writers as well.